Monday, June 15, 2009

SharePoint designer Hit Counter not work after installing SP2

After deploying Sp2 in our MOSS 2007 servers, suddenly the hit counter shows X image.
I have googled the issue with no luck but the interesting that I found is: the hit counter amount is stored on a file on the same directory as following:
If you attached the counter to default.aspx page then the counter file is default.aspx.cnt
When I tried to open the CNT file using SharePoint designer I got the error that the file type is blocked by the administrator.

It seems that SP2 added the CNT file type to blocked file types on central administration.

So the solution is:
1- Go to central administration web application.
2- Navigate to operation tap.
3- Under security configuration click on blocked file type.
4- Delete cnt type and then click OK.

Now the counter should work fine, have fun.



Daniel van der Gryp said...

Cool, thanks for the solution.

James said...

Thanks, this sorted out the hit counters on my installation after SP2. It didn't take effect immediately though on the page I was testing, not sure why.

Unknown said...

If you want to find accurate [URL=""]website analytics[/URL] go to

Unknown said...

I use website analytics from to track my website visitors