Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PowerPoint slide show opens as edit mode from SharePoint library

Actually and after 3 month of searching the problem I found that the coz of this problem was on registry level as below :

  1. Go to start menu and click run "regedit".

  2. Open registry and browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PowerPoint.Show.8

  3. Double click on BrowserFlags key, and change the value to 8 (Default Value = a)
After changing the registry and if the problem does not solved do the following:

  1. Go to “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML” or 60 folder in case wss2.0 version.

  2. Open the file “DOCICON.XML” using text editor.

  3. Locate the line that start with “<mapping value="”ichtmppt.gif”……”" key="”PowerPoint.Slide”"> and change OpenControl attribute to be (OpenControl="")
  4. Locate the line that start with “<mapping value="”icpps.gif”…..”" key="”pps”"> and change OpenControl attribute to be (OpenControl="")
  5. Save and close.

  6. Open the file “htmltransinfo.xml” using text editor.

  7. Locate the line that start with “<mapping extension="”pps”…..”"> and change ProgId attribute to be (ProgId="")
  8. Save and close.

  9. Finally restart IIS and pray to me loool.

This because maybe bug on Sharepoint.opendocument class, so what I did is to remove function for .pps files.



SCI de la Tour said...

hi, i want just a precision.
the second part of the modification are on the sharepoint server?


johnv2020 said...


thanks very much, was seeing a similar issue with ppt files on 1 site collection within a farm. After applying your changes within the 12 hive issue was resolved. You've just saved me a lot of troubleshooting

k1DBLITZ said...

These directions do not make any sense. You give the keys to locate but you don't say what needs to be changed.