Saturday, April 11, 2009

Task List Edit Assigned To field

When I tried to add task item on Sharepoint 2007 programatically I got an error mentioed that the field is maybe read only.


You can not do :
item["Assigned To"] = "administrator";
item["Assigned To"] = "";
item["Assigned To"] = "domain\\administrator";

Instead, you have to specify the user ID from the user's list:

item["Assigned To"] = 1;

But how to tell what ID does a user have?
The only way I know of is using the "Users" property of the SPWeb object.
Lets say you want to assign the field to "" (you only know the email).

you can use the following code:

item["Assigned To"] = item.ParentList.ParentWeb.Users.GetByEmail("").ID;

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